While adding plants into your home might seem like the obvious way to embrace biophilic design, there are other approaches as well. Scalloped detailing and botanical leaf motifs can easily be integrated without major renovation, according to Hilton Carter, plant stylist and author of Living Wild.

Biophilic design can also be integrated into your home by including natural colours, materials and textures into its decor. Being near nature, encouraging air movement and appreciating sounds or sensations associated with water are all also key aspects.

Natural Light

Natural lighting is an integral element of biophilic design. You can achieve it by expanding windows, installing skylights or using light-reflective materials in your design.

Another way to bring nature indoors is with views of greenery and water. You can achieve this effect by placing seating near outdoor views, creating walls of plant life or using large artworks that depict serene natural scenes.

Color plays an integral role in biophilic design. Earthy tones such as shades of green and brown evoke feelings of peace while blues and aquas evoke memories of sky and water. Curved shapes found in nature can also be brought indoors through wooden and stone flooring or furniture pieces with rounded edges; getting creative may involve simply switching out rectangular coffee tables for oval ones or switching straight upholstered chairs for ones with curved backs – this can create an abundance of biophilic design opportunities!

Natural Colours

Beyond plants, using natural colours can also bring biophilic design into your home. Earthy greens, browns and blues evoke nature-inspired feelings in furniture pieces, paint colours and fabrics alike.

Nature plays an essential part in biophilic design. By adding natural textures such as woven upholstery or changing up surface textures, your home can recreate its tactile experience of nature.

As we progress through these times of increased stress and isolation, creating spaces that help us reconnect with nature is more vital than ever. There are various ways Storage Queens’ team of professionals can assist in making this trend part of your home design – we hope they do!

Natural Textures

Material that emulates nature’s textures and patterns in your home decor can help create an inviting biophilic space. Select items with differing textures such as woven fabrics and smooth or rough surfaces to add visual interest and biophilia into your space.

Earthy tones can also make for an excellent choice, evoking nature’s ever-evolving hues such as greens evoking plants and the sky and browns representing natural materials. You may even wish to opt for different hues to mimic nature’s ever-changing palette like blues and greys.

If you want to bring nature into your life, try adding houseplants (or repotting existing ones) for fresh air and greenery indoors. And don’t forget about adding water features for relaxing dripping sounds! These features can especially come in handy in an office environment when noise needs to be blocked out in order to focus effectively.

Natural Forms

Biophilic design draws its inspiration from nature’s forms and processes, including rock shelves and stream pathways reconstructed from nature or even using curved walls that seamlessly merge indoor and outdoor living areas. There are various ways you can incorporate biophilic elements into your home design using nature as your source.

One of the simplest ways to incorporate biophilic design is through adding plants. Not only are they visually appealing, but their presence can help improve air quality, decrease stress levels and promote productivity – not to mention provide you with a sense of purpose while reconnecting with nature!

Another way to bring biophilic design into your home is by adding water features, such as a fountain or fish tank. The soothing sounds of running water can help lower stress levels while increasing productivity in the workplace.


Biophilic design utilizes natural elements like water, greenery and the colors of nature as key elements. Homeowners looking to achieve biophilia should incorporate houseplants, moss wall art or earthy prints into their decor or choose wood and wicker furniture as ways to create biophilic spaces in their home.

Optimizing natural lighting through window treatments, skylights, or light wells (sunlight has been found to increase productivity and Vitamin D absorption) is another way to incorporate biophilic design into your home.

Utilizing natural designs, you can easily transform your home into an eco-friendly and visually appealing space. If you need assistance getting started, hiring an interior designer who specializes in your vision could make all the difference! They use modern tech to incorporate elements from nature in unique ways – digital nature prints, ambient natural sound systems and lighting designed to mimic natural diurnal cycles are just some of the ways they do so!

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